In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy, we inform you that :
The present website is published by :
SA Sojufel, with its head office at ZA LA CRAU – RN 7 13670 Saint-Andiol FRANCE – Tel. +33 (0)4 90 95 49 54

The director of the publication of the website is Mr. Arnaud Redheuil in his capacity as President of the company Sojufel.



The site and each of its components (architecture, texts, photographs, illustrations, computer programs, etc.) are the property of SA Sojufel.
All rights of use are reserved. In accordance with Article L.122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code, any reproduction in whole or in part of the texts, graphic and photographic elements, or the logo, made from the elements of the site on any medium whatsoever, is not permitted without the express authorization of SA Sojufel. Otherwise, this would constitute an infringement punishable by law.



SA Sojufel may not be held liable for any damage whatsoever resulting from a connection to the Site and/or use of the Site, in any form whatsoever, which the user carries out under his or her sole responsibility.

The sites to which the user may access via hypertext links on the Site are independent of SA Sojufel and operated under the exclusive responsibility of their author. Through these links, SA Sojufel makes no commitment or declaration regarding said sites and consequently cannot assume any responsibility in this regard.



The web design and development of the site were carried out by the communications agency ComOnLight. The site is managed using the WordPress CMS.
Photographs: Fotolia.


The site is hosted by the company OVH:
SAS with a capital of 10 059 500 €.
RCS Lille Metropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 6202A
VAT NUMBER : FR 22 424 761 419
Head office : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.



The user acknowledges having read these terms of use and agrees to comply with them.
The user of the website acknowledges that he/she has the necessary skills and means to access and use this site. In addition, he/she acknowledges having verified that the computer configuration used does not contain any viruses and that it is in perfect working order.
SA Sojufel makes every effort to provide users with available and verified information and/or tools. However, it shall not be held liable for any errors or lack of availability of features and/or the presence of a virus on its site.
The information provided by SA Sojufel is provided for information purposes only and does not exempt the user from additional, personalized analysis. SA Sojufel cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information provided on its site.
Consequently, the user acknowledges that he/she uses this information under his/her exclusive responsibility.



The user is informed that during his visits to the site, a cookie may be automatically installed on his browser. A cookie is a block of data that does not allow users to be identified but is used to record information relating to the user’s navigation on the site.
The parameter setting of the software of navigation makes it possible to inform of the presence of cookie and possibly, to refuse it. The user has all the above-mentioned rights with regard to personal data communicated through cookies under the conditions indicated above.
The users of the website are required to respect the provisions of the modified law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the violation of which is liable to penal sanctions.
In particular, they must refrain, with regard to personal information to which they have access or could have access, from any collection, any misuse and, in general, any act likely to infringe on the privacy or reputation of individuals.

Learn more about our data privacy policy

politique de confidentialité des données